What you'll learn
Learn durable and globally applicable principles, practices, and approaches to change that apply to any urban affordable housing challenge.
For US practitioners, get a whole new lens through which to evaluate the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), workforce, mixed-income, and hybrid tenure models such as rent-to-own or shared appreciation.
Discover how to adapt principles, practices, and approaches to individual contexts and draw lessons from dozens of countries around the world, developed and emerging.
Use a real-life, multi-part case study that demonstrates the universal aspects of affordable housing, and the crucial details of its local application.
Master the universal fundamentals of affordable housing, and understand how they can be adapted by place, policy, and laws – enabling participants to analyze the housing models needed in their changing cities
Recognize development and redevelopment opportunity in an urban context. Identify financial and subsidy resources that, if tapped, turn uneconomic eyesores into profitable development opportunities.
Course description
Aimed at entrepreneurial executives who understand income-producing real estate and see opportunities for profit and impact beyond the narrow confines of currently established US programs, this immersive course both presents affordable housing as a distinctive real estate asset class and opens up new ways that developers, lenders, investors, and stakeholders can create successful properties, programs, and policies.
Every country in the world needs affordable housing, and every country’s political and economic markets are always changing. Success requires specialist entrepreneurship by people and entities that can truly deliver a double-bottom-line value proposition: better living situations for deserving households alongside economically profitable and sustainable properties. This course puts students to work learning proven principles and applying them immediately in an immersive multi-part case exercise drawn from a real property in a real setting.