Course description

This project-based course provides students with the opportunity to design and develop innovative, research-based curricular assets and learning experiences. Examples stduents may create include technology-enhanced instructional cases or activities (such as role-plays and simulations), self-paced modules, memos to stakeholders, or sample course elements, including assessments, discussion protocols, and other resources for active learning. Students leverage peer-mentoring support to develop a capstone project that demonstrates the application of learning design principles. The course offers a mix of asynchronous learning experiences and whole-group live online sessions focused on weekly readings, case-based exercises, and project workshops. Students participate actively in the course community to explore practical challenges in the design process, as well as individual inquiries related to a specific area of interest. Students leave the course with a culminating, professionally-relevant portfolio that highlights the application of research-based principles to the production of learning experiences and assets. For complete and current details about this Harvard Extension course, see the description in the DCE Course Search.


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