What you'll learn

  • Consolidate knowledge of basic and clinical information within obesity medicine to comprehensively diagnose and treat patients

  • Optimize the opportunity to pass the American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM) subspecialty examination

Course description

For 35 years the goal of this course has been to provide healthcare professionals in diverse disciplines with the latest evidence-based tools and knowledge needed to optimize the care of patients with obesity. There remains a large gap between clinical need and current practice in the treatment of obesity and its associated disorders. Despite the undisputed recognition of the magnitude and severity of obesity, fewer than 5% of patients with obesity undergo clinical evaluation for this disorder in the primary care setting. The primary reasons for this include inadequate provider knowledge about obesity, misunderstanding of the causes, consequences and effective treatments of obesity and limited options for additional education. Without adequate knowledge and skills, it is not possible to address these problems in an effective manner. In the 2022 Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine, attendees will hear authorities in medicine, surgery, pediatrics, nutrition, endocrinology, gastroenterology and psychology from the country's leading obesity treatment and research centers speak on critical topics in the prevention and treatment of obesity and related disorders. The program will include didactic lectures, panel discussions, case-based interactive workshops, interactive case review using an audience response system and patient panel discussions. The course is designed to improve the participants' ability to care for patients with obesity. In addition, we offer a subspecialty board review for participants preparing for the American Board of Obesity Medicine subspecialty board examination in Obesity Medicine.

This HMS CME Online course is targeted to Primary and Specialty Care Physicians, Psychologists, Physician Assistants, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. This course may also be of interest to physicians who practice in Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Endocrinology, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine, Lifestyle and Mind-Body Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

Select the Take Course button to view additional information on the course registration page.

Course Outline

Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine: Obesity Medicine Board Review is organized as follows:

Board Review Session 1
Pathophysiology 1: Pathophysiology of Obesity
Nutrition Assessment and Therapy
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Exercise

Board Review Session 2
Pathophysiology 2: Neural Control of Energy Balance
Pediatrics 1: Patient Assessment
Pediatrics 2: Patient Management
Lightning Round 1

Board Review Session 3
Pathophysiology 3: Environmental Modulators of Energy Balance
Bariatric Surgery
Behavioral Assessment and Therapy

Board Review Session 4
Genetic and Syndromic Obesity
Obesity Comorbidities
Lightning Round 2
CME Posttest

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Registration Deadline