Management and Leadership Skills for EHS Professionals

- Advanced
Associated Schools

Develop clear objectives, goals, strategies, and measures for integrating health, safety, and the environment into the culture of your organization
Create specific methods for pitching occupational health, safety, and environmental initiatives to organizational decision makers
Employ listening skills to develop more effective negotiation and conflict-resolution techniques
Establish measurable expectations for your services by identifying appropriate performance metrics and implementing a performance measurement system for accountability
Manage time effectively and coach others in this practice
Identify the best possible course of action and prioritize work that is both urgent and important
Improving environmental health and safety performance within your organization requires an in-depth understanding of management principles and the leadership skills to drive change. You need to be able to build leadership buy-in for health, safety, and environmental initiatives, lead teams effectively, and create strategies for integrating EHS principles into the culture of your organization, including in a crisis.
In particular, the pandemic has called for EHS leaders to take on and delegate many new and non-traditional environmental health and safety duties. From testing how to best disinfect disposable masks using radiation to organizing the collection of PPE from labs for distribution at hospitals, EHS professionals are playing a wide range of roles in responding to the pandemic that call for adept leadership skills.
In this program, you will develop the management skills needed to improve the EHS function in your organization, while gaining the leadership skills needed to lead teams, make decisions, build stakeholder buy-in, and both generate and sustain change. You will develop skills in the critical areas of leadership and management with the objective of bridging the gap between environmental health and safety technical skills and leadership skills essential for achieving functional excellence.