Humanities Online China Humanities: The Individual in Chinese Culture Explore Chinese history and culture from the perspective of the individual through philosophical texts, literary works, and art. Price Free* Registration Deadline Available now
Humanities Online Shakespeare's Life and Work Learn how to read William Shakespeare's plays through his biography, Elizabethan and Jacobean history, and modern performance. Price Free* Registration Deadline Available now
Art & Design Online Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice: Shylock An exploration of the magnetic and ambivalent character of Shylock in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Price Free* Registration Deadline Available now
Humanities Online Shakespeare’s Hamlet: The Ghost An exploration of the haunting figure at the heart of one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Price Free* Duration 4 weeks long Registration Deadline Available now
Humanities Online Shakespeare’s Othello: The Moor Explore acts of storytelling in Shakespeare’s Othello alongside world-class artists who interpret Othello’s story in new forms and contexts today. Price Free* Duration 4 weeks long Registration Deadline Available now
Humanities Online Japanese Books: From Manuscript to Print Study Japanese scroll art as text and as "little movies" that immerse the viewer through visual narration. Price Free* Registration Deadline Available now
Art & Design Online 18th-Century Opera: Handel & Mozart Study Baroque and Classical opera through Handel’s Giulio Cesare and Mozart’s Don Giovanni Price Free* Duration 3 weeks long Registration Deadline Available now
Art & Design Online 19th-Century Opera: Meyerbeer, Wagner, & Verdi Learn the music and cultural impact of three canonical operas from the 1800s: Les Huguenots, Das Rheingold, and Otello. Price Free* Duration 6 weeks long Registration Deadline Available now