What you'll learn
Outline comprehensive treatment strategies for substance use disorders integrating medications and psychosocial treatments.
Customize treatments for special populations, including women and adolescents.
Discuss the use and mis-use of marijuana, psychedelics, ketamine, and stimulants.
Describe comprehensive treatment strategies for pain in people with substance use disorders.
Help patients choose between cutting down or abstaining from substance use.
Outline metabolic and lifestyle treatment strategies for substance use disorders.
Course description
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was estimated that 22 million Americans suffered from addiction to alcohol or drugs. Reports suggest these numbers have grown as a result of the pandemic. The surge of opioid addiction and deaths from overdose are a national crisis. The consequences of addiction are numerous; it results in a myriad of health problems, harms and disrupts families and other relationships, and can leave individuals isolated, depressed and even suicidal. Addictions can lead to vulnerability to comorbid disorders and comorbid disorders can sometimes lead to addictions, making treatment of either condition particularly complex. Individuals with an addiction often deny the extent of the problem and resist treatment altogether.
This accredited course is offered by Mclean Hospital. This course is targeted to Specialty Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Primary Care Physicians, Psychologists, Physician Assistants, Nurses and Other. Contact ceprograms@hms.harvard.edu with questions.