Course description

Program Overview 

Black leaders can experience commonly shared obstacles and challenges as they progress in their careers. The successful navigation of professional environments requires a commitment to personal well-being, the intentional creation of strong networks, and the development of a personalized vision of purpose and success. When positioned to thrive, Black leaders can have tremendous impact in their organizations and communities and pave the way for future generations to do the same.

This executive leadership program is designed to inspire, energize, and prepare Black leaders, and those working for their success, by providing tools to help them thrive professionally and personally, as well as improve their organizations’ culture, productivity, and collective well-being.


Using empirical data and pedagogical storytelling by prominent Black leaders, the program will explore a variety of topics that will help participants navigate their professional environments to achieve success. It will examine the collective importance of increasing mentorship and sponsorship while providing strategies for understanding, confronting, and effectively navigating bias in the workplace. Participants will learn to identify opportunities and evaluate options that will allow them and the Black colleagues they are supporting to thrive. At the personal level, they will work to define their purpose and explore the intersection of self-determination, prosperity, and joy. 

Session Topics Include:

  • Cooperation, collaboration, and coalitions
  • Strategic authenticity
  • Community building and solidarity
  • Navigating bias in the workplace
  • Intersectionality in its various forms
  • Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
  • Moral grounding, purpose, and life satisfaction

Participants will also explore a novel approach to understanding Black empowerment developed by Professor Livingston.


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Registration Deadline