What you'll learn

  • How to initiate a process of self-examination about your mindset and beliefs about issues of equity in education

  • How to have courageous conversations about difference

  • Blind spots that we all have and how they affect teaching and learning

  • Leadership strategies that will help promote the success of all students at high levels 

Course description

Schools that are genuinely inclusive and that promote excellence for all require leaders who understand the intersection of race, identity, power, and privilege in society and in the classroom.

In this module, you will embark on a journey of self-examination about your own beliefs, gain a deeper understanding of the blind spots we all hold, and learn to lead courageous conversations about difference. You will study best practices in leading for excellence and equity, including those that build the capacity of teachers and principals to recognize and honor the potential in all children.

The Certificate in Advanced Education Leadership (CAEL) provides education leaders with the skills to create transformational, system-level change. The completion of this module applies towards receiving the CAEL certificate.


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