What you'll learn

  • How to rethink your programs' goals and reassess how you gather, evaluate, and use data to determine their effectiveness.

  • Methods for analyzing administrative data to identify potential points for intervention to improve long-term goals


  • Tools to measure the effectiveness of your program as well as strategies for generating short- and longer-term assessments of the impact of your programs on participants


  • Tactics for integrating qualitative and quantitative data to assess a program's effectiveness


  • A deeper understanding of how to make decisions about the best way to spend your limited research budget


  • A framework for thinking about various types of evidence—from benchmarking and performance measurement to impact evaluation—and their relationship to one another


Course description

In dynamic sessions, you will explore a framework for thinking about a range of evidence types and delve deeply into specific evidence generating strategies – experimental and quasi-experimental designs, implementation evaluation, predictive analytics – taking time to understand the strengths and limitations of each. You will work together as a group to pull these ideas together in the context of real-world limitations such as budgets, a lack of time, and political constraints.




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