Dan Levy, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, teaches courses in quantitative methods, policy analysis, and program evaluation. He recently served as co-principal investigator of Transparency for Development (T4D), a project consisting in the design and mixed-methods evaluation of interventions aimed at improving transparency and accountability in delivery of health services in developing countries. He oversaw the training component of BCURE, a project that involves training policymakers in better using evidence through a combination of online and in-person sessions. He directed impact evaluations of girl-friendly school construction programs in Burkina Faso and Niger, and was involved in the evaluation of a conditional cash transfer program in Jamaica, and a technical assistance project to Mexico's Social Development Ministry (Sedesol). He received his PhD in Economics from Northwestern University, grew up in Venezuela, and is fluent in Spanish and French. He serves as faculty affiliate of JPAL (MIT), CID, EPoD and the Ash Center.
He currently serves as the faculty director of the Public Leadership Credential, the Harvard Kennedy School's flagship online learning initiative. He co-founded Teachly, a web application aimed at helping faculty members to teach more effectively and more inclusively. He authored the book “Teaching Effectively with Zoom: A practical guide to engage your students and help them learn”