Making Learning Visible: The Power of Group Learning and Documentation in Classrooms and Communities

- Intermediate
Associated Schools

Learn how teachers and students can create and sustain learning groups within and outside the classroom.
Understand how documentation shapes, extends, and makes visible children’s and adults’ individual and group learning.
Foster a classroom culture where learning groups create as well as transmit culture, values, and democracy.
Learn a set of activities, protocols, and tools to support your students’, your colleagues’, and your own individual and group learning and make learning and learners visible.
Acquire increased capacity to use documentation to deepen and extend your students’ learning.
Gain strategies for helping your students meet educational standards, including the Common Core State Standards.
This course will examine group learning through the Making Learning Visible (MLV) framework. MLV began as a collaborative research project between Harvard’s Project Zero and educators in Reggio Emilia, Italy, to explore the group as a powerful aspect of the learning environment. Over the past decade, MLV has worked with hundreds of teachers throughout the U.S. to promote the development of learning groups. You’ll learn about the MLV framework and how to apply it in your own setting to benefit students, teachers, and your school community as a whole.
In the process, you will explore documentation as a tool for improving teaching and learning. Documentation is a way to “make visible” both what and how students learn. Through careful observation, collecting evidence, interpretation, and sharing information, you will learn to produce a record that both students and teachers can look back on to build self-awareness and guide future teaching practice.