What you'll learn

  • Tools for how to interpret the roles religions play in contemporary and historic contexts;

  • How religions are internally diverse

  • How religions evolve and change

  • How religions are embedded in all human cultures

  • The strengths and limitations of learning about religions through their scriptures

Course description

The study of religion is the study of a rich and fascinating dimension of human experience that includes but goes well beyond beliefs and ritual practices. In this religion course, learners explore case studies about how religions are internally diverse, how they evolve and change through time, and how religions are embedded in all dimensions of human experience. We’ll explore these tenets through the lens of scripture and through themes such as gender and sexuality, art, violence and peace, science, and power and authority.

Join me and peers from around the world to embark on this journey to better understand religion in human affairs.

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This course is part of the World Religions Through Their Scriptures series.


Lecturer on Religion, Conflict, and Peace, Founding Director of Religion and Public Life, Harvard Divinity School

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