School Mental Health: Treating Students K-12

- Advanced
Associated Schools

Develop strategies to address the pandemic's negative effects on learning, executive function and overall student mental health.
Identify resources to assist children (and their families) who are dealing with anxiety, perfectionism, school avoidance and cultural stereotypes.
Outline effective techniques to communicate with LGBTQ+ students around their concerns.
Summarize a basic understanding of common pharmacotherapies for behavioral and mental disorders.
Discuss the effects of gun violence on student mental health.
Students of all ages continue to struggle with increased mental health issues since the pandemic upended the world. According to a CDC 2021 survey, 42% of adolescent students felt persistently sad and 22% seriously considered attempting suicide. The U.S. Surgeon General has further emphasized the issue's urgency with his recent report on the youth loneliness crisis. Our children and teens are crying out for help, and those who work with school-aged youth must stay current with the latest knowledge and skills that will enhance the emotional well-being of our students.
This course is designed to meet those needs and offer participants practical strategies with a mix of lecture, case studies, interactive panels and Q&A. Topics will cover resilience, risk assessment related to suicide and extremism, trauma awareness, social justice and immigrant supports; perfectionism, school avoidance and pediatric emergencies; while attending compassionately to ourselves and our colleagues.
Participants will complete the course with practical and timely clinical information and skills based on emerging research, evidence-based practice and innovative learning strategies. And this year we are excited to now offer two options of format: in person or online livestream.
We welcome all mental health and health clinicians, educators, school administrators, researchers, and others interested in the development and treatment of school-aged children and adolescents.
This accredited course is offered by Cambridge Health Alliance.This course is targeted to specialty physicians, nurses, psychologists, counselors, social Workers and marriage/family therapists.