Creating Public Value

- Intermediate
Associated Schools

Analyze situations in which you find yourself to better identify risks and opportunities
Imagine a value-creating path to the future that is both feasible and legitimate
Develop performance metrics to help monitor and adapt your ideas as you strive towards improved value creation
The need for public managers to deliver real value has never been greater, yet the complexity and volatility of the public sector often prevents leaders in their efforts from doing so. Despite the obstacles, it is critical for those in government to remember what is distinctively public about their work: to separate public value from commercial value, and to adapt their practices to rapid changes in expectations, aspirations, and social conditions.
Over the nine-week period, participants will examine the dual roles they play as citizens and public managers in authorizing, financing, helping to produce, and enjoying or suffering the consequences of government action. In addition, you will explore how government could use its various modes of contact with citizens to further engage them in democratic governance.