What you'll learn

  • Learn how to develop student-centered inquiry questions that guide student investigations into civic issues

  • Explore researched-based practices for analyzing and evaluating media to take informed civic action

  • Examine different ways students can take action with specific attention to leveraging technology

Course description

  The youth of today’s society are living in an unprecedented moment in time that has converged health, economic, environmental, social, and political issues. The emergence of recent technology and outlets to information has opened up access to a plethora of knowledge, creating opportunities for young people to become more informed and engaged.

Young people have the power to be change agents and the influence to shape society’s future as a whole. However, only 1-in-4 eighth-graders performed at or above proficient in the 2018  National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) civic evaluation. Much work remains for schools to help their students realize their tremendous potential to be part of the solutions to the societal challenges we face.

Civics Education and Youth Participatory Politics explores how educators can develop a curriculum that builds students’ capacity as civic actors, encourages learners to become engaged with central issues, and positions youth to take informed action. Program participants will also learn how to develop student-centered inquiry questions, teach students to analyze the media, and design opportunities for students to leverage technology to take action and make their voices heard.


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