In partnership with the Disparities Solutions Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, this course will help you deliver high-quality health care to all through organizational change.
Explore the concepts and tools of strategic business management. Learn more about the organizational strategy within which managers make decisions and how it relates to competitive advantage.
Hone your negotiation skills to close deals, maximize value in the agreements you reach, and resolve differences before they escalate into costly conflicts in this online course from Harvard Business School (HBS) Online.
Data Science Principles is a Harvard Online course in collaboration with Harvard Business School Online that provides an overview of data science with a code- and math-free introduction to prediction, causality, data wrangling, privacy, and ethics.
Discover what’s behind the numbers in financial statements and unlock critical insights into business performance and potential to drive strategic decision making in this course from Harvard Business School (HBS) Online.
This is a Harvard Medical School online executive education program designed to give you the tools and confidence to create personalized healthy living plans for clients, patients, friends and yourself.
This is an intensive, 5 day executive program that examines the managerial and operational challenges faced by government officials and professionals who have regulatory, enforcement, security, compliance, or other risk-control responsibilities.
Leading Successful Programs is an executive program that will equip you with the tools you need to design policy and implement more effective programs.
This course is a response to the global burden of diseases driven by obesity and diabetes and acknowledges that clinicians and systems must address both together.
The Building a Life of Wellness: The Science of Fostering Happiness and Health Span program blends the latest research on well-being with evidence-based techniques to cultivate and sustain long-term relationships, which supports health and wellness.