What you'll learn

  • Prepare yourself for a thriving career

  • Self-discovery and honest self-reflection

  • Design a leadership path and explore development transitions

  • Formulate your leadership skillset

  • Build influence and grow within your organization

  • Expand your personal and professional network

Course description

As high-performing emerging leaders develop their leadership style, it is imperative to have the skillset and knowledge to gain influence and increase impact across an organization. In this virtual program, now in its seventh year, you will become armed with a number of actionable learning outcomes to help develop yourself as a leader. These learning outcomes include crafting a more strategic and effective approach to your career trajectory grounded authentically in your strengths, experiences and, aspirations; readiness in communications, negotiations, influence and design; and preparation for the moments of potential challenge or derailment, including transitions and collaboration.

Through a rich learning experience that includes live online case discussions, self-paced learning, and personal development mentors you will assess, design, and prepare for your leadership trajectory. You will have self-assessments that identify your leadership profile and the opportunity to design and map out the leader you strive to be. There will be a focus on utilizing your leadership skills to avoid the most common pitfalls that derail emerging leaders while building not just an effective but also transformational career.

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