What you'll learn
Assists you in creating a safe, well-rounded exercise plan — one that fits your life and that you will be likely to stick with
Helps you discover the right blend of exercises which incorporates aerobic workouts, as well as stretching and strength-building exercise routines
Provides tips to help you prevent injuries and discusses special considerations for people with medical conditions
Course description
In this online course, Harvard Health Publishing brings you a valuable program highlighting forty-one exercises that together will help you achieve greater overall fitness. The course includes aerobic workouts for better cardiovascular health, strength training for your bones and muscles, plus essential balance and flexibility exercises.
Every exercise is illustrated and fully explained with helpful tips and techniques for maximizing the exercise’s benefits. You’ll learn the recommended number of sets and reps and how to tailor the exercise to your schedule or level of fitness, encouraging you to finally adopt a routine that you can stick to.
Course Outline
- Welcome: Course overview
- Exercise: What and how much?
- Creating your workout plan
- A word about posture
- Key terms you’ll want to know
- Safety first!
Getting Started with Cardio Exercise
- Marching workout with arm sweeps
- Marching workout with resistance bands
- Chest punch
- Sword pull
- Two-handed pull down
- Triceps pull
- Biceps curl
- Bonus video
- Practice good walking technique
- Other cardio exercises
Getting Started with Strength Training
- 5 lower body workouts
- 4 upper body workouts
- Bonus video
- 5 full-body workouts
Getting Started with Balance Exercises
- Better balance means fewer falls
- Balance workout: Tandem standing
- Balance workout: One-leg balance
- Balance workout: Standing knee lift
Getting Started with Stretching
- Some stretching safety tips
- 7 morning and evening stretches
- Bonus video
- 7 post-workout stretches
- Bonus video
Benefits of Exercise
- Exercise prevents cardiovascular disease
- Exercise helps fight diabetes
- What happens when you exercise?
- Exercise offers a dose of cancer prevention
- Exercise fights fractures and reduces falls
- Exercise tunes up immune function
- Exercise eases arthritis pain
Making Exercise a Part of Your Life
- Questions to ask yourself
- Making exercise a habit