What you'll learn

  • Fundamentals of corporate governance

  • Navigating your role as a minority board director

  • Group dynamics on a corporate board

  • Influence of board committees

  • Opportunities on corporate boards

  • Key responsibilities for board directors

Course description

Today's corporations are getting serious about increasing boardroom diversity, driven by the benefits of diverse points of view in the boardroom and by shareholder and social pressure to do so. This imperative for more diverse boards is animating board recruiting and expanding the demand for minority candidates.

Board service presents unique responsibilities, dynamics, risks, and opportunities—and calls for a distinctive set of skills. Emphasizing the issues facing minority board candidates and directors, this program examines best practices for corporate boards and explores options for corporate board service. You will learn how to present yourself for a potential board position, navigate the search process, select the right board to serve on, and ensure your success in the role. You will gain a greater understanding of the role and responsibilities of corporate directors and the opportunities and challenges you can expect to face while serving on a corporate board. By completing this program, you will signal that you are equipped with the core knowledge needed to be effective as a corporate director.

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